I’m Carissa Myre, born in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada and raised in Salem, Massachusetts. I am a Junior at SSU, majoring in Media and Communication and minoring in English. I spend almost all of my time creating art of some sort. Primarily, I am a musician, I also enjoy writing poetry, and I work as a dance teacher/choreographer. Music is the most important thing in my life, I am a self-produced indie pop artist. I strive to make my sound into something you can listen to intently and really dissect, while keeping it relaxed enough to just be able to be played in the background. I also work with a few artists as their producer and/or mixing engineer. I am really pushing to make music a full-time career for myself. My music is available on all streaming platforms if you’re interested in checking it out, and I have some music videos and my first full-length album coming out in February. I release under the alias “Layzi”.

I currently work as a dance instructor and choreographer for competitions, which I used to compete in all through highschool. I work at two studios and focus my teaching on Hip Hop and Contemporary styles.

Lastly, in whatever free time I have, I like to write poetry. I am currently working on a poetry book that maybe someday I will release!
Aside from getting my degree, my creative passions definitely fuel my life and who I am.